First Name
Last Name
What is the main reason you feel called to work together?
How would you describe your current emotional state?
Are there any repeating patterns, behaviors, or emotions in your life that you wish to understand or release?
How connected do you currently feel to your intuition or inner wisdom?
Do you feel connected to a higher purpose or life mission?
Have you had experiences that feel spiritually significant (e.g., vivid dreams, synchronicities, feelings of connection with guides or energies)? Please describe briefly.
Are you curious about exploring past lives, spirit guides, or totem animals?
What areas of your life feel out of balance (e.g., relationships, career, self-worth, energy levels)?
Do you feel any physical sensations tied to emotional or energetic pain (e.g., tightness in the chest, heaviness in the stomach)? If so, describe.
Are you experiencing grief or loss that you wish to process during this session?
Have you had experiences with energy work, hypnosis, or shamanic practices before? If yes, what stood out to you?
If you could release one emotional or energetic blockage during our time working together, what would it be?
What is your dream or wish in life?
Do you have a specific question or area of your life where you’d like guidance (e.g., relationships, career, personal growth)?
If connecting with a guide or past life, what wisdom do you hope to gain?
Are there any health conditions, traumas, or sensitivities I should be aware of to support your experience safely and effectively?
Is there anything else you’d like me to know about your journey or intentions before we begin?